Episode 1
When you’re 25 you think that you’ll be like this forever and being old is such a far away concept you can’t even imagine it yet.
At 35 you finally realise that you possibly lived half of your life already. 40 is just around the corner and you panic because you always thought you will have time for everything you planned to do in life.
Suddenly, time is beginning to feel much more precious than 10 years ago.
If you still want to achieve great things in life, like you planned early on, you have to start now, there’s no time to waste!
The OFM Project Series
The motion has to start from you, it’s a long and hard road ahead make no mistake about it. You have to be prepared to fight for your dream and believe in it even when nobody else does.
Give it 100% every day, don’t cut corners, this is the time to push, you’ll rest later!
First, write down the plan of how you are going to achieve your goals. Put everything there : dates, sums, numbers, goals, years, etc( for example some people even wrote down the color, model and interior options of the car they’re going to buy when they will be rich). Give as many details as you can, and of course make sure your plan is achievable.
Once the plan is done, it’s time to put everything in motion. Don’t try to delay it or find excuses. Our minds sometimes work in mysterious ways and you need to take a closer look inside, have a sincere and open discussion with yourself and find out why you’re not doing everything you can to succeed, what’s holding you back?
There’s always a reason, you just need to be completely honest and ask the right questions, you’ll be surprised of what you can discover.
You always hear people telling their stories of how they got rich and what it took for them to get there. The difference is that me you’ll get to see it live.
Here’s what was done so far:
1. This blog which was started from 0. A lot of hard work was put in to it, more than ever imagined. The target is to make it profitable in 5-7 months.
2. I tried cryptocurrencies trading for a couple of months and stopped when I realised it’s too much of a gamble. I only have a few coins left in my portfolio and I don’t really pay to much attention to this for the moment.
3. I’ve created two YouTube channels and already posted a few videos. Two more will be created next month. The channels are very different from each other. They have distinct topics and styles.
The goal is to make all of them profitable in one year.
4. Affiliate marketing and creating an online store are planned to start in September.
5. Writing a book, investing in Real Estate and two-three other business are due to
start next year.
I will be keeping you updated with the progress made and the difficulties and problems encountered on the way.
The target is to become a multi millionaire in 3 years, starting from basically zero. I don’t expect it to be easy, I’m prepared to work hard and overcome all challenges so I can turn my dream in reality.
Anyone can change their life around, you just need to be disciplined, work hard and really believe in your dream. People make the mistake to believe that rich people are smarter than them, well I’m here to tell you there not. They were just willing to follow their dreams all the way and they didn’t let anyone stop them.
Of course you need to put in the work and make sacrifices, there’s no other way, but if you really want it, sooner or later you will succeed. There’s really no limit to what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it.
One important thing to keep in mind is that sometimes it’s difficult to stay focused. Most people want to be rich of course but they are not willing to quit their routines and what makes them happy.
You need a bit of determination and strong will to come home from a hard day at work and instead of relaxing on the sofa and watching Netflix, you open your laptop and start working on your projects.
For some reason most of us believe we’ll have time later, ”it doesn’t really need to be right now”. We forget that life is very unpredictable and things can change in any moment.
We have to take advantage of every single day and try not to waste time on things that make us happy only for the moment.
I’m not a financial advisor. Don’t take anything you read here as financial advice.