The OFM Avenue Body Wrapper

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At the beginning of the year everyone was talking about Bitcoin reaching 100 000$.
Many were doing videos explaining how Bitcoin will be worth hundreds of thousands in a year or two. A lot of things have changed since then and right now, they just hope it doesn’t go down any lower than it is right now.

Some can say that the war started of all of this but it’s definitely not the only reason.
At the end of the day, when pressured or felling unsafe, people return to what they know and trust. In this case real money, real investments, real assets that people trust and can see with their own eyes.

Criptocurencies are too volatile and their price can crash or go up in any moment, making them a very risky investment.

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On the other hand, investing in gold, let’s say, or real estate has much better chances of bringing a profit after a while and doesn’t present as many risks as criptocurrencies do.

There are many examples when, from various reasons like: fraud, scams, loss of traction or the developer facing personal problems, different criptocurencies totally collapsed and the people who invested their money in projects like this lost everything.

All the excitement around criptocurencies came from the fact that they are highly volatile and there is a chance of making a lot of money in a short period of time.

Probably a few invested in cryptocurrencies because they really belived in different projects and wanted to suport them.
On the other hand, the majority of people who invested in the past few years in the cripto market, did it just because they were looking for a way to get rich fast.

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The criptocurrencies world is trembling down

Recently a lot of famous people are taking out their money from cripto and invest them in something else. This is a clear sign that criptocurencies will not recover any time soon and the risks of losing even more money are very high for those who still have their savings invested in cripto.

What happened in the past few months with the criptocurencies market should raise some serious questions about how reliable they really are.

Everyone suddenly realised that, because of some news or an unexpected event, the price of this coins can crash exponentially.

There is a saying that you learn a lot about someone’s true character when is exposed to difficult times.
The same with the criptocurencies, if they’re value can be so seriously influenced by an event or some news, then maybe they doesn’t really represent a serious and reliable investment.

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