The OFM Avenue Body Wrapper

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As I said before, I’m from Romania and for the past 7 years I’ve been living in the UK.
Recently I travelled to Romania to visit my mother, brother and the remaining grandparents. I’ve spent almost 3 weeks there and I got to spend time with my dear ones and I also travelled a bit and visited some really nice places. I needed some time off and this holidays came at the perfect time.


For those of you who still think Romania is a very poor country and most probably would be very bad to live there, I would like to let them know that it’s actually a very nice country, with lots of beautiful places.

You can go and visit the sea, it called The Black Sea and they have beautiful beaches that can match or perhaps outdo many of the well known beaches in the world. If you fancy the mountains area better, you can go to the Carpathian Mountains, which form a 1,500 km long range in Europe and more than half of this range is on Romania’s territory. They have lots of beautiful places to choose from and if you want to visit Romania in the winter, you can go skiing if you’re into that.
I’m not going to enumerate all the beautiful places to visit in Romania because there are quite a few and would take forever.

My native town is called Craiova, has a population of almost 300 000 people and is situated in the south of the country.The weather in these 3 weeks was very hot, with a average of 34°-35°C.

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After spending a week at home and visited all our dear ones, we decided to go somewhere to relax for a couple of days.
Because I have a small child, he’s 18 months now, I didn’t wanted to go somewhere too far. It needed to be maximum 2 hours away with a car from where I was staying( my parents house). For example if I wanted to go to the sea, it would have taken me 5 hours to get there, which is a bit to much for him. He can manage two hours in the car but definitely not five.

In this case, I’ve chosen some nice places that were only 2 hours away and I’ll share my thoughts and impressions about how it was and what places we visited.
Firstly, let me mention this now in case I forget later: In 3 weeks in Romania, I’ve seen some of the most expensive cars in the world, we’re talking here about Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley and of course all sorts of Audi, Bmw and Mercedes. The romanians apparently are doing quite well, which is nice to see.

For our first two days we chosen a beautiful place, it’s called Forest House and as the name suggests, they have many wooden houses built in a forest around a lake.Screenshot 20220725 120211 Video Player

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They also got an outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi and the view is beautiful.

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They also got an outdoor swimming pool,  jacuzzi and the view is beautiful.

The food was very good and we really enjoyed our time there. On the second day, we visited the area around and we discovered some really nice places.

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This is where we had our lunch when we arrived.

After two days was time to leave the Forest House and for our next destination we picked a place with a rich touristic history, exactly two hours away, named Baile Herculane.

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We stayed at a nice hotel named Grand Hotel Minerva Resort and Spa.

After we checked in and left our luggage in the room, we went out for a walk and to find a nice place to eat. We found it after around 30 minutes, thanks to Google maps and this place was called Greek Pizzeria Dimitrios. They have a really good pizza there, probably one of the best I’ve ever had to be honest.

Later on, we went back to the hotel and spent some time at their swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna facility.

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The next morning, of course we missed breakfast at the hotel. For some reason they finish with the breakfast at 10 AM and we went there around 10:30 AM. To continue on a funny note, we then went to a local restaurant in Baile Herculane to eat something and they couldn’t give us what we ordered because they still were serving breakfast stuff till 12 o’clock. We managed to sort it out in the end and everyone was happy.
After 3 days was time to go home and as planned, it took us only two hours.

Few random pictures I took on our short trip.

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