The OFM Avenue Body Wrapper

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Today we have an important subject for important times
We gonna talk about Beard and we’ll do that in rimes
It’s a nice exercise, you don’t want to miss it, it’s free
Let’s start with the beginning, how long should it be?

Some like to have it long while others want it shorter
Personally I like my beard short, Nr.3 with my shaver

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I trim it daily and I use a razor for the sides and neck
Takes 15 minutes, it’s easy and I just need to check

That when I’m shaving my neck I don’t go to hight
I prefer a lower neck line, just looks and feels right
If you shave it too high, it will look weird and less full
Thrust me when I tell you, that style is not very cool

From the sides I shave only a bit, I like a natural style
I don’t want some lines that you can see from a mile
After you finished, apply some aftershave, it feels nice
You can use what you like, mine is called Old Spice

Apply Argan oil on your beard once or twice a week
Give it a good massage, this is the best technique
Your beard and skin will appreciate this so much
Their gonna be healthier and a lot softer to touch

The next step is not really for your beard but it’s good
Apply a moisturising cream on your face, you should
Use one that protects and hydrates your skin all day
Apply it in the morning, for me this is the best way

Hope you enjoyed this post about trimming beard
Make sure to do it right or else it will look weird.


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