I’m going to start by saying that I’m not a doctor, dermatologist or health trainer. I just like to take care of my body the best way I can and these are some of the things I discovered in time and that work for me.
Nobody told them to me, I didn’t read about them anywhere,they are just useful information that I obtained trough the years, doing mistakes, learning from them and trying to find solutions to some of my skin related problems.
I know they are not revolutionary solutions. Most of us know them, it’s just that sometimes we need to be reminded of the things we know already, and when someone does that, we manage to acknowledge them a bit better.
Tip Nr.1 Pop pimples only if necessary and apply cold water and ice after.
Let’s say you wake up one morning and you knowtest you have two-three new pimples on your face.
After dealing with the frustration and irritation of seeing what just happened with your lovely face, first you assess how bad is the situation. If you must, try to pop only the ones that you know for sure are ready, what I mean by that is the fact that if you pop a pimple that is not ready, this will only make the skin even more red and irritated than it already is. So after popping the pimples that were “ready”( and when I say “ready” you know what I mean, this subject is unpleasant as it is, we don’t need to go into more details).
Make sure you wash your face with cold water for couple of minutes, if you can, apply some ice afterwards, that would be perfect.
If you plan on going out that day put just a small drop of makeup on it, leave it for one minute and after that level it around the pimple using one finger till it’s nice and even.
Tip Nr.2 Make sure you get enough sleep.
One of the most important keys in having a nice and clean and rested face is SLEEP. Make sure you sleep at least 7 hours a night, and seven is the minimum here, if you can sleep 8-9 hours a night that would be perfect.
Nothing is more important for your face than a good and restful sleep.
Not getting enough sleep could result in having, dry skin, redness, of course dark circles, sometimes pimples and over all not a healthy looking face. I think the word I’m looking for is “tired” if you don’t get enough sleep, you will have a tired face.
Tip Nr.3 Cut down on sugar
Try to reduce or eliminate the sugar you consume daily. Sugar is known to cause sometimes acne, inflammation or redness on your face.
For me personally, sugar was always an important factor in developing pimples, all the time when I was eating let’s say a slice of cake, the chances were 50%-50% to wake up the next morning with a pimple on my face. If I had let’s say 2 slices of cake, the chances were 100% that the next day somewhere on my face there will be a form of acne.
So I knowtest what was happening and when I started to cut down the sugar, don’t get me wrong, I eat a slice of cake once in a while but as long I don’t exaggerate there are no problems.
Tip Nr. 4 Drink less milk
Milk is also known to cause redness and acne and the same as with the sugar I knowtest that after consuming milk, sometimes I would have the unpleasant surprise of seeing some red spots or pimples on my face and in this case I just replaced the regular milk with Soya milk.
For me is not such a big difference and after a while you really don’t even think or care about the regular milk anymore, for me soya milk works just fine. If you don’t like soya milk for some reason, you can also try almond, coconut or oat milk so you can choose the one you prefer.
I used to put milk and sugar in my coffee before and since I stopped using sugar and milk, now I drink my coffee black and I must say that I’m pretty happy with this decision. I love having a nice cup of coffee to start the day properly and not adding sugar or milk let’s you savour better the taste of a freshly made coffee, nothing better!
Tip Nr.5 Bananas can cause redness or acne
That’s right, another important discovery that I made was that bananas also were causing red spots and pimples on my face.
I used to eat a banana every one-two days, I always liked bananas and never had any problems after consuming them. For some reason, after turning 30 years of age, I started to see acne on my face after eating a banana, so you guessed it: I stopped eating bananas and replaced them with other fruits.
No problems there, many other fruits to choose from. I understand it takes a bit of discipline to just stop doing something you like and you enjoyed doing it for years but if you set your mind to it and decide you don’t need it anymore, it’s not going to be very difficult to just accept it and move on.
It’s like making a promise to yourself and do everything you can to keep that promise.
Many people pride themselves with keeping their promises, well why not keep the promises you made to yourself?
Tip Nr. 6 Taking too many vitamins can be bad for your skin
It was a time when I believed that taking a lot of vitamins will keep me healthier and will give moreenergy.This is not necessarily true and you should only take vitamins if your doctor recommended it or if you feel you really need it.
I’m not going to quote any scientific evidence here, it is only my opinion and I believe that keeping things simple and not trying to fix what it’s not broken, in my opinion it’s the best way.
Taking vitamins that your body doesn’t need may result in developing acne, redness, inflammation and who knows what consequences on the long term could occur.
It’s not that I don’t recomand vitamins, it’s your decision to take them if you belive they will improve your quality of life or help with your recovery after exercising or help you concentrate better. Personally, I decided to keep things more natural, I don’t take any vitamins.
I would if a doctor would recommend me to take vitamins, then maybe I would.
TIP NR.7 Try as much as possible to exercise at least twice a week
We can all agree that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important for your entire body, not only for your face.
We’ll focus on the benefits it has for our face this time and you don’t need me to tell you that working out just makes your whole body function better and of course that will be noticeable on your face as well.
Exercising tones the skin and improves blood circulation, reduces the risks of acne, wrinkles, redness, fine lines or saggy skin and you will definitely have a more healthier and better looking face.
I am not going to insist to much here because we all know how important exercising is for our body’s and if you want to have a cleaner and healthier skin, you definitely can’t ignore tip nr 7.
Tip Nr.8 Less fizzy drinks
Most of the fizzy drinks that are on the market now are full of sugars, artificial sweeteners, acids, fructose, a large number of calories and they don’t contain any essential nutrients.
Considering they have so much sugar, of course this will impact in a negative way your skin among many other parts of your body. Comes in mind that according to many studies, people who drink fizzy drinks regularly, have more chances to develop dementia later on in their life.
There are so many studies and articles revealing how bad fizzy drinks really are and you can do your own research regarding this subject and if you’re looking to have better and healthier skin you really need to cut down or eliminate these drinks from your life.
For me personally, the worst ones are: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Pepsi and almost all energy drinks. I never used to drink them regularly, only once in a while and recently I decided to eliminate them completely from my diet.
Tip Nr.9 Alcohol can have a negative impact on your skin
Like I said in the beginning of this article, probably everyone knows these informations it’s not like I’m telling you something new here.
Sometimes is good to be reminded of the things you knew already, makes you see them in a different light and helps you to take better decisions for yourself.
Alcohol is bad for you and we’re not talking here about excessive alcohol, even a occasional beer or a glass of wine can be bad for your body.
Drinking alcohol affects your brain, hart, liver, pancreas, muscles, immune system, skin and the list can go on. If we are talking just about the skin, some studies suggest that alcohol dehydrates the skin, it dilates the pores leading to blackheads and whiteheads and if you drink let’s say a glass of wine, this will affect your brain, muscles, liver etc and of course it will be noticeable on your face as well. You will have a skin that looks tired, dry,maybe some redness here and there, and you definitely won’t have that glow of a fresh, healthy and rested face.