Smoking is very bad, we all know it and you don’t need to be a scientist or a genius to know that inhaling some thick smoke inside your lungs, sooner or later is going to be detrimental to your health.
Most of us realise how unhealthy smoking is and despite this we find giving up cigarettes to be very challenging. The reason is not only because smokers get addicted to nicotine. It is also a psychological issue because the majority of people that smoke, enjoy the process of smoking a cigar, they believe it calms them and also deep down, they think it makes them look more interesting.
Like in the case of any addiction, giving up smoking is difficult and an important percent of the people that smoke, never manage to quit. They try all the recomanded methods and nothing works for them.
The vast majority of them understand that smoking is bad, in some cases maybe already caused some health problems. They just can’t quit because they enjoy it too much, it had become a habit, a part of their routine that can’t be replaced by anything else. Some manage to quit for a week or two, in some cases even 3-4 months and after they start smoking again.
The best way to give up smoking
Even though most smokers realise that smoking is bad for their health and quitting this addiction is the best solution, something is still preventing them from being able to quit and never start again.
These are some of best stop smoking treatments and they are know to work in some cases:
1. Nicotine replacement
Studies show that it doubles the quit-rate. There are many forms of nicotine replacements and we can enumerate only a few: patches, gum, nasal spray or a inhaler.
2. Varenicline (Champix)
Is a pill that does not contain nicotine and it works by stimulating the same parts of the brain as the nicotine. This way, the nicotine that comes from a cigarette will have very little effect because the varenicline is already there.
3. Bupropion (Ziban)
Is a medicine originally designed to treat depression and has been found to help people quit smoking. It is not clear exactly how it works and it’s thought to have an effect on the parts of the brain involved in addictive behaviour.
4. E-cigarettes
We all know them, are those electronic devices that imitate cigarettes. They deliver nicotine in a vapour, allowing you to inhale only the nicotine without most of the harmful substances as tar or carbon monoxide.
The best way to give up smoking and not a lot of people know about it, is this one:
Take a bit of time to meditate and reflect, be honest with yourself, try to open up and see how you really feel about this. Check why deep down in your subconscious you find it difficult to beat this addiction, and if you are completely honest and look deep enough, you will find the reason or reasons. Then all it’s left to do is to fix the problem and make a serious commitment to yourself that you will quit smoking for good. By doing this, you minimise the risk of self sabotage and have much better chances to quit cigarettes and never look back.
If you feel that you can’t do all this by your self, asking for professional support is always a good idea and can improve your chances of quitting.
We can achieve anything we want in life, this is not just a saying, it’s the truth and all it takes is to believe and do everything that depends on us to succeed.
If you decide you want to be a doctor and start following this path with determination and perseverance, you will become a doctor. Or if you decide you want to learn how to paint and dedicate your entire time to it, after a while you will be able to paint beautiful paintings.
The same when you decide to quit smoking and you’re firm and strong-willed, smoking doesn’t stand a chance. Combine this with one of the Stop smoking treatments mentioned earlier and soon smoking is going to be just a distant memory.