Most of us know that is not enough to just want something. Hard work, dedication and perseverance are required for dreams to become reality.
We all tend to say this sometimes: “I want to have this job”, “that car” or “that life” and we even believe it when we say it. Then we get upset when it never happens blaming it on bad luck or other things.
Usually the answer is hidden deep in our minds and we just need to be completely honest with ourselves and discover what is truly holding us back.
Maybe is not really what we want or could be that we don’t feel ready or deserving. It could be a lots of things and as soon as we discover what the issue is and fix it, we can then start persuading our dream with true determination and perseverance.
If you’re not happy with a normal life and you wish to achieve great things, this is what you need to do.
1. Write down your dreams and design the plan to bring them to life.
The plan needs to be achievable and a lot of hard work has to be put in designing it because your future depends on it.Make sure it’s what you really want, self sabotage is real and you need to be 100% prepared and focused if you really want to succeed.
2. Eliminate any distractions and unnecessary activities, you’ll have time to watch Netflix and your favourite YouTube shows later.
Try to stay focused, motivated and prepared to work the extra hours. You need to remember that you are the engine of all this and if you don’t care enough, nobody will care either.
3. Learn to be disciplined, it’s important to do things when they need to be done and not when you feel like doing them.
Being disciplined and consistent are essential in achieving your goals.
You need to be able to push through and maintain a high input every day regardless of what’s going on with or around you.4. Don’t pay too much attention to what others have to say about your ideas. People tend to fear what they don’t know.
The general perception is that everyone should have a 9 to 5 job and anyone who doesn’t want to do that for the rest of their life is looked as lazy or unadaptable.
This is until that person starts earning a lot of money. Then they become smart, self made, powerful and very interesting people.
5. It’s very important that during hard times or when a project fails to not give up.Keep your focus, stay consistent and find ways to overcome any difficulties or problems that may occur.
If you fail just learn the important lessons from this, do the necessary adjustments and try again. Sooner or later you will succeed.
6. Read at least one book every 2-3 months. It helps your mind to stay sharp, focused, more creative and of course, you learn new things.
Books are an important element in developing a strong mind. Try to make some time for reading. Someone once said: ” Books are for the brain what going to the gym is for the body”.
7. Take inspiration from the life stories, advices and knowledge of those who “made it”.
They could be famous people that you admire or just some successful individuals that are totally unknown to the public.
Their experiences and stories can prove to be very useful and inspiring.
We all got the power to decide what kind of life we want to have. Usually we choose the easy road not knowing we are capable of much greater things than what we settle for.
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